OOP the Easy Way
Object-Oriented Programming the Easy Way: a manifesto for reclaiming OOP from three decades of confusion and needless complexity.APPropriate Behaviour
APPosite Concerns
Author Archives: Graham
On Nostalgia for Physical Media
While I have access to streaming services that offer most of the music that the labels the services deal with still publish, I also have a significant collection of music on physical media, and do most of my listening to … Continue reading
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The gaps between the processes
Knowledge management—not just in software engineering and not just digital knowledge management—has long had to account for tacit knowledge: the things that people know, but never say. “A lesser blog would reproduce the Donald Rumsfeld statement about known unknowns at … Continue reading
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In which things are not known
In the last episode—Is software engineering a thing?—I (apparently controversially) suggested that software is the reification of thought, and that software engineering is thus the art of reifying thought, and that thus there can’t be any single one-size-fits-all software engineering … Continue reading
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Is software engineering a thing?
In the title I’m kindof punning on the word “a” (it’s my blog, and I get to do what I want). Is there a single thing, software engineering, that all people making software should (or could, or would find to … Continue reading
Posted in software-engineering
Although I didn’t make any resolutions this new year, it’s still a time for change. That’s because I finally submit my D.Phil. thesis (if I’m on time, that will be before January 18th), so I’ve already been putting things in … Continue reading
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On the Consolation of Software Engineering
I’m currently reading Boethius’s writing on the consolation of philosophy. Imprisoned awaiting the death penalty in 523 (for treason against King Theodoric), Boethius imagined a conversation with the personification of Philosophy herself, a woman of variable height whose fine dress … Continue reading
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In which a life re-emerges
While it’s far from finished, my PhD thesis is now complete: there are no to-do items left, no empty sections, no placeholders. Now the proof-reading, editing and corrections continue in earnest. I look forward to poking my head out of … Continue reading
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The Cataract of Software Delivery
There’s this paper from August 1970, called Managing the Development of Large Software Systems, that’s considered something of a classic (either for good or for bad, depending on your worldview). The discussion often goes something like this: Let’s say I … Continue reading
Non-standard components
Another day, another exercise from Software: A Technical History… A software engineering project might include both standard and nonstandard engineering components. Give an example of a software engineering project where this would be appropriate. Kim W. Tracy, Software: A Technical History (p. … Continue reading
Specific physical phenomena
Continuing the theme of exploring the exercises in Software: A Technical History: Give an example of a specific physical phenomenon that software dependson in order to run. Can a different physical phenomenon be used? If so, giveanother example phenomenon. If … Continue reading