I made a web!

That is, I made a C program using the literate programming tool, CWEB. The product it outputs is, almost by definition, self-documenting, so find out about the algorithm and how I built it by reading the PDF. This post is about the process.

Unsurprisingly I found it much more mentally taxing to understand a prose description of a complex algorithm and how I might convert that into C than writing the C itself. In that, and acknowledging that this little project was a very artificial example, it was very helpful to be able to write long-form comments alongside the code.

That’s not to say that I don’t normally comment my code; I often do when I’m trying something I don’t think I understand. But often I’ll write out a prose description of what I’m trying to do in a notebook, or produce incredibly terse C comments. The literate programming environment encouraged me to marry these two ideas and create long prose that’s worth reading, but attach it to the code I’m writing.

I additionally found it useful to be able to break up code into segments by idea rather than by function/class/method. If I think “oh, I’ll need one of these” I can just start a new section, and then reference it in the place it’ll get used. It inverts my usual process, which is to write out the code I think I’ll need to do a task and then go back and pick out isolated sections with refactoring tools.

As a developer’s tool, it’s pretty neat too, though not perfect. The ctangle tool that generates the C source code inserts both comments referring to the section of the web that the code comes from, and (more usefully) preprocessor #line directives. If you debug the executable (which I needed to…) you’ll get told where in the human-readable source the PC is sitting, not where in the generated C.

The source file, a “web” that contains alternating TeX and C code, is eminently readable (if you know both TeX and C, obviously) and plays well with version control. Because this example was a simple project, I defined everything in one file but CWEB can handle multiple-file projects.

The main issue is that it’d be much better to have an IDE that’s capable of working with web files directly. A split-pane preview of the formatted documentation would be nice, and there are some good TeX word processors out there that would be a good starting point. Code completion, error detection and syntax highlighting in both the C and TeX parts would be really useful. Refactoring support would be…a challenge, but probably doable.

So my efforts with CWEB haven’t exactly put me off, but do make me think that even three decades after being created it’s not in a state to be a day-to-day developer environment. Now if only I knew someone with enough knowledge of the Clang API to think about making a C or ObjC IDE…

About Graham

I make it faster and easier for you to create high-quality code.
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