Subatomic Chocolate

This started out as a toot thread, but “threaded tooting is tedious for everybody involved” so here’s the single post that thread should have been.

The “Electron vs. native” debate doesn’t make much sense. I feel like I’ve been here before:

Somehow those of us who had chosen a different programming language knew that we were better at writing software; much better than those clowns who just made the most successful office suite ever, the most successful picture editing app ever, or the most successful video player ever. Because we’d taken advice on how to write software from a company that was 90 days away from bankruptcy and had proven incapable of executing on software development, we were awesome and the people who were making the shittons of money on the most popular software of all time were clueless idiots.

Some things to ponder but avoid for the moment:

  • why are those the only choices? If I write a Java SWT app with Windows native components on Windows, and Mac native components on Mac, is that native because I’m using the native widget toolkit or not, because I’m using Java? If it is not, is it “Electron”?
  • where is the boundary of native? AppKit is written in Objective-C, so am I using some unholy abomination of an RMI bridge if I write AppKit software using AppKit APIs but a different programming language, like Swift?

It seems clear that people who believe there is a correct answer to “Electron vs. native” are either native app developers or Electron app developers. We can therefore expect them to have some emotional investment (I have decided to build my career doing this, please do not tell me that I’m wrong) and to be seeking truths that support their existing positions. Indeed, if you are on one side of this debate then the other side is not even wrong because the two positions compare incompatible facts.

Pro-Electron: the tools are better/easier/more familiar/JavaScript

Most to all of these things are true, in a lot of cases. As a seasoned “native” app developer, with some tiny amount of JavaScript experience, I can build a thing very quickly in JS (with a GUI in React or React Native, I haven’t tried Electron) that still takes me a long time in a “native” toolkit, both the ones I’m comfortable with and the ones I’m unfamiliar with but download and try things out in.

Now that should be disturbing to any company who builds a “native” platform, and who thinks that developers are key to their success. If someone with nearly two decades of using your thing can be faster at using someone else’s thing within under a year of learning that thing, there is something you need to be learning very quickly about the way the other thing works and how to bring that advantage to your thing, otherwise everything will be made out of the other thing soon and you’d better hope they keep making it work on your thing.

Actually, having said that this argument is true, it’s not true at all. The tools in JS-land are execrable. Bear in mind that the JSVM (we used to call it a “browser”) is a high-performance code environment with live code loading, reflection and self-modifying capabilities; it’s disappointing that the popular developer environments are text editors with syntax highlighting and an integrated terminal window. “Live” code loading is replaced with using Watchman to wait for some files to change, then kicking off some baroque house of cards that turns those files from my house blend of JS into your house blend of JS, then reloading the whole shebang.

Actually, having said that this argument is true and false, it’s not even relevant at all. The developers are the highly-paid people whose job it is to solve the problems for everybody else, why are we making their lives easier, not everybody else’s?

Pro-“native”: the apps are more efficient/consistent

Both of these things are true, in a lot of cases. A “native” application just needs to link the system widget set (which, if your platform supports efficient memory management, is loaded anyway by some first-party tool) and run its code. It will automatically get things that look and behave like the rest of the applications on the platform.

Actually, having said that this argument is true, it’s not true at all. The “native” tools are based on a lot of low-level abstractions (like threads or operations), that are hard to use correctly; rather than rely on an existing solution (remember there’s no npm for “native”, and the supposed equivalent has nowhere near as much coverage) developers are likely to try building their own use of these primitives, with inefficiencies resulting. The “native” look and feel of the components can and will be readily customised to fit branding guidelines, and besides as the look and feel is the platform vendor’s key differentiator they’ve moved things around every release so an app that behaved “consistently” on the last version looks out of place (deliberately, so that developers are “encouraged” to adopt the new platform features) this year.

Actually, having said that this argument is true and false, it’s not even relevant at all. The computer is there as a substrate for a thing that solves somebody’s problem, so as long as the problem is solved and the solution fits on their computer, isn’t the problem solved? And as for “consistency”, the basic tenets of these desktop “native” experiences were carved out three decades ago, before almost all experience with and research into desktop computer interaction. Why aim for consistency with an approach that was decided before we knew what did or didn’t work properly?

About Graham

I make it faster and easier for you to create high-quality code.
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