On localisation and security

Hot on the heels of Uli’s post on the problems of translation, I present another problem you might encounter while localising your code. This is a genuine bug (now fixed, of course) in code I have worked on in the past, only the data has been changed to protect the innocent.

We had a crash in the following line:

NSString *message = [NSString stringWithFormat:
	NSLocalizedString(@"%@ problems found", @"Discovery message"),

Doesn’t appear to be anything wrong with that, does there? Well, as I say, it was a crasher. The app only crashed in one language though…for purposes of this argument, we’ll assume it was English. Let’s have a look at English.lproj/Localizable.strings:

/* Discovery message */
"%@ problems found" = "%@ found in %@";

Erm, that’s not so good. It would appear that at runtime, the variadic method +[NSString stringWithFormat: (NSString *)fmt, ...] is expecting two arguments to follow fmt, but only passed one, so it ends up reading its way off the end of the stack. That’s a classic format string vulnerability, but with a twist: none of our usual tools (by which I mean the various -Wformat flags and the static analyser) can detect this problem, because the format string is not contained in the code.

This problem should act as a reminder to ensure that the permissions on your app’s resources are correct, not just on the binary—an attacker can cause serious fun just by manipulating a text file. It should also suggest that you audit your translators’ work carefully, to ensure that these problems don’t arise in your app even without tampering.

About Graham

I make it faster and easier for you to create high-quality code.
This entry was posted in buffer-overflow, l10n, Mac, Vulnerability. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to On localisation and security

  1. Bob says:

    This is not a classic format string vulnerability. In a classic format string, the attacker controls the format string.

  2. Graham says:

    In this case, the code has loaded a file from an unknown filesystem and decided to interpret it as a format string. Any proof that the attacker cannot control that is cautiously awaited :-).

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