Maybe you are going to need it

In the beginning, there was the green field. The lead developer, who may have been the only developer, agreed with the product owner (or “the other member of the company” as they were known) what they would build for the first two weeks. Then File->New Project… happened, and they smashed it out of the park.

The amorphous and capricious “market” liked what they had to offer, at least enough to win some seed funding. The team grew, and kept the same cadence: see what we need to do for the next ten business days, do it, celebrate that we did it.

As the company, its customers, and its market mature, things start to slow down. It’s imperceptible at first, because velocity stays constant. The CTO can’t help but think that they get a lot less out of a 13-point story than they used to, but that isn’t a discussion they’re allowed to have. If you convert points into time then you’re doing old waterfall thinking, and we’re an agile team.

Initially the dysfunction manifests in other ways. Developers complain that they don’t get time to refactor, because “the business” doesn’t understand the benefits of clean code. Eventually time is carved out to clean things up, whether in “hardening sprints” or in effort allocated to “engineering stories”. We are getting as much done, as long as you ignore that less of it is being done for the customers.

Stories become task-sliced. Yes, it’s just adding a button, but we need to estimate the adding a component task, the binding the action task, the extending the reducer task, the analytics and management intelligence task. Yes we are getting as much done, as long as you ignore that less of it has observable outcomes.

Rework increases too, as the easy way to fit a feature into the code isn’t the way that customers want to use it. Once again, “the business” is at fault for not being clear about what they need. Customers who were previously flagship wins are now talked about as regressive laggards who don’t share the vision. Stories must have clearer acceptance criteria, the definition of done must be more explicit: but obviously we aren’t talking about a specification document because we’re an agile team. Yes we’re getting as much done, as long as you ignore that a lot of what we got done this fortnight was what we said we’d done last fortnight.

Eventually forward progress becomes near zero. It becomes hard to add new features, indeed hard even to keep up with the competitors. It’s only two years ago that we were five years ahead of them. People start demoing new ideas in separate apps, because there’s no point dreaming about adding them to our flagship project. File->New Project… and start all over again.

What happened to this team? Or really, to these teams, as I’ve seen this story repeated over and over. They misread “responding to change over following a plan” as “we don’t need no stinking plan”.

Even if you don’t know exactly where you are going at any time, you have a good idea where you think you’re going. It might be spread around the company, which is why we need the experts around the table. Some examples of where to find this information:

  • The product owner has a backlog of requested features that have yet to be built.
  • The sales team have a CRM indicating which prospects are hottest, and what they need to offer to close those deals.
  • The marketing director has a roadmap slide they’re presenting at a conference next month.
  • The CTO has budget projections for the next financial year, including headcount changes and how they plan to reorganise the team to incorporate these changes.
  • The CEO knows where they want to position the company in the market over the next two years, and knows which competitors, regulatory changes, and customer behaviours threaten that position and what about them makes them a threat.
  • Countless spreadsheets, databases, and “business intelligence” dashboards across multiple people and departments.

No, we don’t know the future, but we do know which futures are likely and of those, which are desirable. Part of embracing change is to make those futures easier to cope with. The failure mode of many teams is to ignore all futures because we aren’t in any of them yet.
We should be ready for the future we expect, and both humble and adaptable enough to get ready for a different future when things change. Our software should represent our current knowledge of our problem and its solution, including knowledge about likely developments (hey, maybe there’s a reason they call us developers!). Don’t add the things you aren’t going to need, but don’t exclude the possibility of adding them out of spite for a future that may well come to pass.

About Graham

I make it faster and easier for you to create high-quality code.
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